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Our Ministries


Preparing for the Academics in the Alps 2025 Conference

All of us who will be gathering for the Academics in the Alps 2025 Conference will be there because we want to bring glory to God in academia.  That is what motivates us.  The conference sessions have been carefully planned to help equip each of us to more effectively serve Christ both in our academic work and beyond the classroom as well.  While there are no required videos or readings for the conference, here are some materials I would encourage you to listen to and read beforehand.  The link is embedded in each title so you have easy access.  Just right-click on the hyperlink and press Open Hyperlink or Open Weblink on the browser.  This will open the document or video on the internet.   Hopefully, they will broaden your vision, prod your thinking, stir your soul, raise your expectations, and give you fresh insights by preparing your mind and heart for what you will hear and experience at Wilderswil.  Enjoy and be refreshed and challenged.

Understanding Higher Education and
Our Calling to Academia

Jongkind, Dirk, “Christians in Higher Education:  Living Worthy of the Calling.”  Length:  49:48

McCarthy, Daryl, “Embracing Our Calling to the Academy.”  Length:  45:25

Lewis, C. S, “Learning in War-Time,” in The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1975, pp. 41–52.

Malik, Charles Habib, The Two Tasks.  Westchester, Illinois: Cornerstone Books, 1980.  10 pg.

Thinking, Living, and Teaching with a
Christ-centered Worldview

Romanowski, Michael H., and Teri McCarthy. Teaching in a Distant Classroom: Crossing Borders for Global Transformation. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2009.  Chapter 3, “Philosophy of Education 101,” pp. 56-77. 

George, Robert P.  “The Four Loves of Robert Jenson,” First Things October 13, 2022.  2 pg.

Serving Christ in the Academy

Hill, Daniel, “Serving Christ in Academia.”   Length: 33:26

McCarthy, Teri, “Excellent Teachers:  Effective Communication in the Classroom.” Length 49:27

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