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Dr. Daryl McCarthy

Executive Director 

Daryl McCarthy is well-prepared to equip academics and leaders. He has been in ministry since 1974 and has served as a professor, pastor, founder and president of an international ministry, writer, and speaker at universities, conferences, and churches. Currently, he serves as Executive Director of The Leadership Anvil and as a Theological Education Teaching Fellow with One Mission Society (OMS) ( In addition to writing and speaking, he mentors Christian professors and ministry leaders in Europe and beyond. Previously, he served as a Vice President with the Forum of Christian Leaders and directed the European Leadership Forum Academic Network and Cambridge Scholars Network. He was a founder of Global Scholars in 1988 and led that ministry until 2014. He earned a Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary, Master of Arts in Philosophy of Religion from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Bachelor of Theology from Kansas Christian College. Their son and daughter are both married and have blessed them with six grandchildren.

You can schedule Daryl to speak by sending a message on the response form.

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Teri McCarthy, PhD

Director of Educational Programs

Teri McCarthy is a dynamic speaker with a vital story to tell. She has traveled, taught, and conducted research in 50 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, and the former Soviet Union. "I was not the most talented or the most intelligent person to send, but I was available," Teri explains. This openness to God has led Teri into dangerous and fascinating places. Teri has taught in public universities overseas for many years, including Lithuania (Lithuania University of Educational Sciences), remote northeastern China, the Soviet Union (including time as a Junior Fulbright Scholar), Nigeria, and Holland. She led two pioneering academic teams to Afghanistan.

Teri co-authored Teaching in a Distant Classroom (InterVarsity Press), which had its third printing. Teri is a passionate speaker and has spoken at numerous universities, churches, conferences, Bible studies, and other gatherings around the world. 

Her blogs Teri McCarthy Thinks ( and her podcast Truth Matters ( impact many people, believers and unbelievers alike.

You can schedule Teri to speak by sending a message on the response form. 

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About Our Name
Leadership Anvil

An anvil is a place where instruments are made ready for service—forged, shaped, sharpened, and changed. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be prepared for service. The preparation of Christian leaders often requires challenges and testing, so we can be malleable, conformed to the will of God and His Word. 

2 Timothy 2:21 reminds us we are to “be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master, and prepared to do any good work.” God prepares leaders on His anvil by using difficulties, training, and discipline to shape us into leaders He can anoint and use. The Leadership Anvil calls believers, specifically academics, pastors, and leaders, to lay themselves on the anvil of God’s Word to be shaped and prepared for their calling by the hammer of His truth. Since “Iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17), we will then be better prepared to help equip others for service.

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Advisory Council


  • Chair:  Mrs. Letta Jean Taylor, Montreat, North Carolina; non-profit leader, former mayor

  • Mr. Jim Brown, Phoenix, Arizona; engineer and experienced COO

  • Mr. Brian Burnett, Indianapolis, Indiana; IT consultant

  • Dr. Per Ewert, Forserum, Sweden; Director, The Clapham Institute

  • Dr. Daryl McCarthy, Executive Director

  • Mr. Terry Miller, Burleson, Texas; business owner


The Leadership Anvil is affiliated with Faith and Learning International (

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