The Leadership Anvil Engaging, Equipping, and Empowering Leaders
Challenges Facing Pastors and Ministry Leaders
Few conversions are taking place in many churches
Many churches are declining in size and influence
Some churches are persecuted by other religions and by oppressive governments
Many pastors and Christian professors have little vision for evangelism and mission
The people hear poorly prepared and badly delivered sermons
Bitter divisions over minor issues weaken or destroy many churches and ministry organizations
Liberal theology is spreading rapidly
Domineering leaders often drive people away and squelch the work
The Leadership Anvil
Equips Leaders
Excellence in all our work.
Practicing the spiritual disciplines and maintaining our passion for Christ.
Christ-centered perspective on every aspect of our lives and our work.
Winsome witness for Christ through our words and our actions.
Applying biblical principles to the crucial issues of our day in the public arena.
Experiencing fellowship, networking, collaboration, and accountability.
Thinking theologically and biblically about leadership and administration.
Paying attention to details, numbers, and money since these matter to God.
Improving our leadership and management skills.
Standing for Christ by courageously applying biblical truth in the public arena.